All this talk about Quantum 10 (Q10), you may be wondering, what is Q10? Many of you attended the conference and now know and understand Q10 intimately. For those of you who did not have the opportunity to attend the conference, let me introduce you to the Q10 Equity Framework.
The Quantum 10 (Q10) is a fusion of 10 different elements: two theories (Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Growth Mindset), five frameworks (Positive Behaviors Interventions and Supports (PBIS), Response to Intervention (RTI), Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Universal Design for Learning (UDL), and Trauma-Informed Practice (TI), and three practices (Restorative, Culturally Responsive, and Inclusive). The Core Four are High-Quality Instruction, Parent and Community Engagement, Adaptive Leadership, and Student-Centered Culture. The Core drives the Q10.
Each element can stand alone; however, when integrated, they create a strong synergy that can go far beyond their individual potential and become an empowering and holistic approach to address systemic inequities.
Quantum 10 (Q10) is a mega multi-tiered integrated system of support that addresses student needs above and beyond academic, behavior, and social-emotional aspects. Many elements in the Q10 overlap and link to other elements within the framework. The connection between the elements creates systemic change through intentional integration.
Q10 is a holistic approach to prioritizing and strengthening Equity in Education.