The 6 Phases of the Q-tinuum

The 6 Phases of the Continuum

Where inquiry begins… Exploring teams examine practices, procedures, and professional learning in preparation to emerge into an agreed-upon culture of transformational transcendence, which includes modifying policies, procedures, and professional learning.

Where teams become… Emerging teams coordinate to foster a culture of transformational transcendence, which includes modifying policies, practices, procedures, and professional learning that emerges

Bridging teams agree upon a cycle of continuous improvement, modifying policies, practices, procedures, and professional learning. Bridging teams agree to foster a culture of transformational transcendence, which includes modifying policies, practices, procedures, and professional learning that builds capacity.

Where teams extend to others in developing proficiency….. Transforming teams collaboratively plan a culture of transformational transcendence, which includes modifying policies, practices, procedures, and professional learning that transforms systems into a culture of excellence.

Advancing teams create and establish a culture of transformational transcendence, which is empowered by equitable policies, practices, procedures, and professional learning that advances systems and fosters a culture of excellence.

Sustaining teams are immensely immersed in a culture of transformational transcendence maintained by equitable policies, practices, procedures, and professional learning that sustains a culture of systemic excellence.